Download Android App, Kodi Add on and others

Download Android App, Kodi Add on

How to watch on Android Devices like Android phone, tablets, android boxes:

You can download the Streamlive Android app here: Download Current version is 1.1.14

How to watch on Kodi Media Player:

Attention: if you are still using Kodi 16 or earlier, you MUST use the version 1.3.3. For Kodi 17, please use version 1.3.5

Here is the direct link to our Kodi add on: current Kodi add on version 1.3.3 updated on May 27th 2017 for Kodi 16 or current Kodi add on version 1.3.4 updated on May 31st 2017 for Kodi 17

As of now, if you want to install version 1.3.5 you have to install it manually. The instructions below for Kodi 1.3.3 only. By June 15th 2017 we perform auto update to version 1.3.5 Kodi add on will be available through our official repository file.

You will need to install our repository first using the following instruction, or by installing the from the download link

Instructions on how to install from File Manager
1. Open Kodi, Go to Settings
2. Click on File Manager
3. Add Source, type in:
4. Name this Source:

Method 1: Installing from repository
Now Go to Settings
5. Click on Add on > Install from zip file > choose source, and install the zip file named
This will enable the Repository

6. Click on Add on > Install from repository
7. Choose repo, click on Video Add ons
8. Now install addon

Configure your addon by entering your username and password, and Enable the Account for it.
Addon will be updated automatically.

Method 2: Installing from Zip File
Click on Add on > Install from zip file > choose source > click on folder > install the file

This method will install the add on directly so there is auto update

How to watch on Fire Stick TV, Roku, ChromeCast, LG Smart TV, Samsung Smart TV, Google Cast, DLNA UPnP:

The video tv cast app will allow you to cast from your phone to all of the supported devices. You can check the website at If you want to watch on Fire TV Stick, juse install the video tv cast app on your Fire TV Stick first, then install video tv cast app for Fire TV Stick on your phone. Open the app for your phone and open site. Log in and choose a channel. You will be able to cast to Fire TV Stick.

You can cast to any supported devices as long as you install the appropriate app for the devices and for you phone

How to watch on Roku, and other supported devices using PLAYON Script script provides a way to watch on Roku, iOS, Android devices and so on. We provide a plug in for Playon script. Current version is 2.4 (May 28th 2017) and you can download it here. Please note that Playon script is not free. They charge a one time fee 29.99 usd